- Case 1
- Case 2
- Case 3
- Case 4
- Case 5
- Case 6
Cyst and its treatment

Swelling as seen from above

Swelling as seen from above

Pus like fluid causing the swelling

Growth excised with tooth

Area packed with medicaments for healing

Healing after weeks
Fracture of facial bone

Radiograph showing fracture of jaw

Incision made to fix the fracture

Fracture seen directly

Fracture plated for stability using “mini plates”

Post stitching or suturing
Oro-antral fistula abnormal communication between mouth and sinus

Patient with hole between mouth and sinus above

Model showing the hole

Hole seen inside patient’s mouth

Hole being cleaned of infection

Excision of the “Sinus tract”

Final water tight suturing of hole
Stone in the salivary gland

Painful swelling due to “stone”
in salivary gland

To diagnose prescence of “stone” lime test

Area tied to prevent slippage of “stone”

incision placed to remove the “stone”

Swelling seen soon after incision

“stone ” being removed surgically

“Stone” excised

Suturing being done

After final suturing
Ameloblastoma or huge growth of dental origin

Gigantic growth in 65 year old lady of dental origin

Size which is mamoth

Other view of same growth

Growth seeen intraoperative

Huge mass or growth

Removed growth post surgery

Concious patient post surgery

Skin sutured back
Fractures of face

No occlusion due to fracture of facial bones

Fracture segments seen

Fracture reduced

After final plating

Sutures Placed